Lt the exact structural state of the group forming a specific spatial SIS3 biological activity arrangement. In our framework, we find the dominant states for a collective motion dynamics from energy landscape analysis. Based on the landscape, we quantify: (1) missing information of each state (2) missing information of the entire motion of group combining all the possible states. To compute the missing information for each state we find the probability transition matrix P of the swarm evolving from one state to the others. Then we find the missing information related to each state i (Ii) from this probability transition matrix using equation (9):Ii = -P i , jjlog Pi , j(9)Scientific RepoRts | 6:27602 | DOI: 10.1038/, we find the missing information related to the entire group motion considering all the possible states. We define matrix Q containing the probability of all the possible cases of transitioning from one state to the other, independent of the initial state in the transition. The missing information for entire group motion (I) can be quantified by equation (10):I= -Qi ,ji jlog Qi , j(10)It is important to emphasize the difference between matrix P from Q. In probability transition matrix P the sum of all the elements in each row is equal to one, while in probability matrix Q the sum of all the elements in the entire matrix is equal to one. The difference is due to the way of normalizing the probability matrix.Emergence. Emergence in a system generally refers to some information or purchase GW0742 characteristics of a system that appear in some states while they are not present in other states of the system48,49,60. Emergence of a system can be quantified by equation (11).E = (amount of missing information lost through the evolution of the system between two states)/(amount of missing information in the initial state of the evolution) I – I out I E = in = 1 – out I in I in(11)For a collective motion, we define emergence as being proportional to the structural order gained by the system and quantified in statistical terms with respect to the ambiguity of the initial state. Therefore, higher emergence shows more interdependence in the group due to stronger interactions between the agents. This shows the transferred information between the agents results in the dependencies of their motion in the group. In our framework we find the relative emergence in each identified state with respect to first state with the highest probability and lowest level of energy in the landscape.Self-organization. We call a system self-organize when the internal dynamics of a system increases its organization in time48. Equation (12) quantifies the self-organization of a system48.S = I in – I out (12)For a collective motion, we consider self-organization as a measure for the transformed information between the agents into the internal order of the group structure. This could be considered as a measure for group intelligence. In our framework we find the level of increase in self-organization of the group going from any possible state to the first and most probable state to be able to compare the self-organization of different states in a collective motion.Complexity. In general, Complexity represents the balance between emergence (presents variety) and self-organization (presents order) of a system48,59,61,62. In other words, it is a balance between ordered and chaotic dynamics. Complexity of a system can be quantified by equation (13)48.C=E (13)We con.Lt the exact structural state of the group forming a specific spatial arrangement. In our framework, we find the dominant states for a collective motion dynamics from energy landscape analysis. Based on the landscape, we quantify: (1) missing information of each state (2) missing information of the entire motion of group combining all the possible states. To compute the missing information for each state we find the probability transition matrix P of the swarm evolving from one state to the others. Then we find the missing information related to each state i (Ii) from this probability transition matrix using equation (9):Ii = -P i , jjlog Pi , j(9)Scientific RepoRts | 6:27602 | DOI: 10.1038/, we find the missing information related to the entire group motion considering all the possible states. We define matrix Q containing the probability of all the possible cases of transitioning from one state to the other, independent of the initial state in the transition. The missing information for entire group motion (I) can be quantified by equation (10):I= -Qi ,ji jlog Qi , j(10)It is important to emphasize the difference between matrix P from Q. In probability transition matrix P the sum of all the elements in each row is equal to one, while in probability matrix Q the sum of all the elements in the entire matrix is equal to one. The difference is due to the way of normalizing the probability matrix.Emergence. Emergence in a system generally refers to some information or characteristics of a system that appear in some states while they are not present in other states of the system48,49,60. Emergence of a system can be quantified by equation (11).E = (amount of missing information lost through the evolution of the system between two states)/(amount of missing information in the initial state of the evolution) I – I out I E = in = 1 – out I in I in(11)For a collective motion, we define emergence as being proportional to the structural order gained by the system and quantified in statistical terms with respect to the ambiguity of the initial state. Therefore, higher emergence shows more interdependence in the group due to stronger interactions between the agents. This shows the transferred information between the agents results in the dependencies of their motion in the group. In our framework we find the relative emergence in each identified state with respect to first state with the highest probability and lowest level of energy in the landscape.Self-organization. We call a system self-organize when the internal dynamics of a system increases its organization in time48. Equation (12) quantifies the self-organization of a system48.S = I in – I out (12)For a collective motion, we consider self-organization as a measure for the transformed information between the agents into the internal order of the group structure. This could be considered as a measure for group intelligence. In our framework we find the level of increase in self-organization of the group going from any possible state to the first and most probable state to be able to compare the self-organization of different states in a collective motion.Complexity. In general, Complexity represents the balance between emergence (presents variety) and self-organization (presents order) of a system48,59,61,62. In other words, it is a balance between ordered and chaotic dynamics. Complexity of a system can be quantified by equation (13)48.C=E (13)We con.
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