O-hybrid screening. pcDNA3.1-Myc-hTM4SF1 was MCP-1/CCL2 Protein Formulation obtained by the respective cloning
O-hybrid screening. pcDNA3.1-Myc-hTM4SF1 was obtained by the respective cloning of hTM4SF1 genes in to the mammalian expression vector pcDNA3.1-Myc (Invitrogen, California, CA, USA) to express hTM4SF1 fused to a N-terminal Myc epitope tag. pEGFP-N1 empty vector (Clontech) encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), and was employed as a handle. pGEM-hTM4SF1 was constructed by cloning hTM4SF1 into the transcription vector pGEM-4Z (Promega, Madison, AL, USA). four.3. Cell Culture and Plasmid Transfection HepG2 cells had been maintained in RPMI1640 medium that contained 100 mL/L FBS, one hundred U/mL penicillin, and 100 /mL streptomycin at 37 C within a humidified STUB1, Human environment with five CO2 . Opti-MEM was applied to dilute blank vectors, TM4SF1-expressing plasmids, and Lipofectaminesirtuininhibitor2000, followed by incubation at space temperature for five min. The diluted blank vectors and TM4SF1-expressing plasmid solutions had been independently mixed with Lipofectaminesirtuininhibitor2000, followed by incubation at space temperature for 20 min. The resultant resolution was transferred into plates containing HepG2 cells, followed by incubation for 72 h. Cells have been harvested for real-time PCR, flow cytometry, transmission electron microscopy, Transwell migration assay, MTT assay, Western blotting, and subcutaneous injection into Foxn1sirtuininhibitorsirtuininhibitornude mice. 4.4. Gene Silencing with siRNA 3 pairs of siRNAs that targeted TM4SF1 have been developed and synthesized: (i) siRNA-TM4SF1-497: 51 – GCGAUGCUUUCUUCUGUAUTT-31 (forward), 51 -AUACAGAAGAAAGC AUCGCTT-31 (reverse); (ii) siRNA-TM4SF1-733: 51 -GGCUCUUGGUGGAAUUGAATT-31 (forward), 51 -UUCAAUUCCACCAAGAGCCTT-31 (reverse); and (iii) siRNA-TM4SF1-813: 51 -GCUCUCA CCAACAGCAAUATT-31 (forward), 51 – UAUUGCUGUUGGUGAGAGCTT-31 (reverse). Scrambled siRNA (forward: 51 -UUCUCCGAACGUGUCACGUTT-31 ; reverse: 51 -ACGUGACACGUUCGG AGAATT-31 ) was synthesized as a manage. Opti-MEMsirtuininhibitorI was made use of to dilute these siRNAs or Lipofectaminesirtuininhibitor2000, followed by incubation at room temperature for five min. The resultant siRNA was mixed with Lipofectaminesirtuininhibitor000, incubated at space temperature for 20 min, and after that transferred onto plates containing HepG2 cells. Cells had been maintained for 24 h and after that harvested for real-time PCR, flow cytometry, transmission electron microscopy, Transwell migration assay, MTT assay, Western blotting, and subcutaneous injection into Foxn1sirtuininhibitorsirtuininhibitornude mice (see beneath). 4.5. Real-Time PCR Total RNA was extracted from HepG2 cells transfected with siRNA-TM4SF1, TM4SF1-expressing plasmids, and blank vectors and from HepG2 cells without having transfection by use with the Trizol reagent based on manufacturer’s instructions. The MyIQ real-time PCR program (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) was employed to measure mRNA expression of -actin (housekeeping gene) and TM4SF1. The primer for -actin was 51 -CATTAAGGAGAAGCTGTGCT-31 (forward), 51 -GTTGAAGGTAGTTTCGTGGA-31 (reverse) as well as the primer for TM4SF1 was 51 -AAGGGGGAGAAAACCTAGCA-31 (forward), 51 -CCAGCCCAATGAAGACAAAT-31 (reverse).Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17,15 of4.6. Flow Cytometry HepG2 cells that have been transfected with siRNA-TM4SF1, TM4SF1-expressing plasmids, and blank vectors and HepG2 cells with out transfection have been subjected to Annexin V-FITC/PI staining as outlined by the manufacturer’s directions. Following washing in PBS, cells have been re-suspended in binding buffer and cell density was adjusted to five ^ 105/mL. Then, 195.
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