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eight human cancer cell lines including SGC-7901, Hep G2, SHSY5Y, HEC-1B, EC, T24, HeLa, A549 cells were observed by the MTT assay as shown in antitumor agent DDP. Moreover, considering the limited space of article, only 1702259-66-2 web SGC-7901 cells were selected to study the mechanisms of cell-cycle distribution and apoptosis effects in order to compare with the lead compound DBDCT. Effects of DBDFT on human cancer SGC-7901 and normal HL-7702 cells proliferation were quantified using the MTT assay, as indicated in the Materials and Methods Section. DBDFT exhibited strong in vitro antitumor activities against human cell lines including human cancer SGC-7901. In particular, as shown in 5 Antitumor Mechanism of New Metal Compounds cells than that of the normal human HL-7702 cells as shown in markedly reduced ). We can infer that the anticancer agents such as DBDFT with obvious cytotoxicity generally not only participate in the proliferation, migration, differentiation of programmed apoptosis and cell cycle distribution, but also lead to necrosis of tumor cells. Before treatment of cells with 2.5 mmol/L DBDFT for 48 h, a programmed cell apoptosis and cell cycle distribution were the major main mode and necrosis was the secondary one. So, time-dependent accumulation of cells in the G2/M phase was observed. However, when treated with DBDFT over a longer period, tumor cells were accompanied by membrane disintegration, suggesting the damage effect of DBDFT on tumor cells was mainly resulted from the late apoptosis and necrosis without program instead of the programmed cell apoptosis and cell cycle distribution. Consequently, time-dependent accumulation of cells in the G2/M phase was markedly reduced at the 72 h point. Interestingly, the increase in percentage of cells in G2/M phase after 48 h treatment with 2.5 mmol/L DBDFT was associated with a concomitant increase in apoptosis through activation of the mitochondrial pathway. A further increased late apoptosis rate was also observed at 72 h treatment. Inhibition by DBDFT against Tumor Growth in Mice Implanted with S180 and H22 Cancer DBDFT was further investigated on its antitumor activity in vivo against S180 and H22. The results were given PubMed ID: in DBDFT-Induced Apoptosis in SGC-7901 Cells through Activation of the Mitochondrial Pathway DBDCT Induced G2/M Cell Cycle Arrest Antitumor Mechanism of New Metal Compounds in a dose- and time-dependent manner PubMed ID: in SGC-7901 cells. Fluorescence quantitative PCR analysis showed that treatment of SGC-7901 cells with DBDFT increased Bax mRNA levels significantly, and decreased Bcl-2 levels, which led to a significant increase in the pro-apoptotic/anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 ratio . Western blot analysis showed similar results that treatment of SGC-7901 cells with increasing doses of DBDFT and increasing durations significantly increased the proapoptotic Bax level, decreased the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 level, and also increased the proapoptotic Bax/antiapoptotic Bcl-2 ratio . In addition, cytosolic extracts were prepared under conditions that allowed preservation of the mitochondria, and cytosolic cytochrome c protein levels which were measured by Western blot analysis. The effects of DBDFT treatment on the expression of cleaved caspase-3 were also examined. To evaluate the role of both cell cycle inhibitor and tumor suppressor genes in DBDFT-induced G2/M cell cycle arrest, the protein expression of the negative regulators p21, p27, and p53, and the positive regulator Proliferating Cel

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Author: heme -oxygenase