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SP90 mRNA 15198639” levels were also measured experimentally. During a 30uC37uC heat shock, HSP90 mRNA levels increased approximately three-fold relative to the internal ACT1 mRNA control, whereas HSP90 mRNA levels increased approximately sixteen-fold in response to a 30uC42uC heat shock. This was experimentally consistent with the stronger Hsf1 Halofuginone phosphorylation observed during a 30uC42uC heat shock. Furthermore the peaks of HSP90 mRNA followed after the peaks of Hsf1 activation. Similar observations were made in three independent experiments. Following parameterisation the model simulated the experimentally determined dynamics of Hsf1 phosphorylation and HSP90 mRNA induction with reasonable accuracy. The simulations predicted the rapid and transient phosphorylation of Hsf1 during 30uC37uC and 30uC42uC heat shocks. Furthermore, the model correctly predicted that during a 30uC37uC heat shock, the amplitude of Hsf1 phosphorylation is lower and of a shorter duration than during a 30uC42uC heat shock. In addition, the model correctly predicted that HSP90 mRNA levels are induced about four-fold more strongly during a 30uC42uC heat shock compared with a 30uC37uC heat shock. Our model does not include Hsf1 production. This is because we considered the dynamics of thermal adaptation over a 120 minute timescale, which corresponds to less than two generations of growth under our experimental conditions. We have shown previously that Hsf1 levels change after protracted growth of C. albicans at different temperatures. However, in this study we did not observe significant changes in Hsf1 levels over the 120 minute timescale examined. Before excluding Hsf1 production from the model we tested the theoretical impact of Hsf1 production 23505071” upon the dynamics of the system. To achieve this we conceptually doubled the amount of Hsf1 present in the cell. Interestingly, this did not change the dynamics of Hsf1 phosphorylation during a 30uC42uC heat shock, the concentration of phosphorylated Hsf1 always tending to zero after 120 minutes. Sensitivity analyses We performed sensitivity analyses to investigate the sensitivity of the system during the adaptation to thermal challenges. A classical approach to sensitivity analysis can be used to assess infinitesimally small changes in individual reactions influence the steady state concentrations in the model. MCA was initially founded to investigate metabolic Autoregulation of Thermal Adaptation networks but is now also used to examine the sensitivity of signalling pathways or gene regulatory networks. In order to address specifically the influence of parameter choice upon the dynamics of our system, we used time-varying response coefficients that allowed us to test responses to individual parameter perturbations along the entire trajectory rather than its influence on a steady state only. By studying time-varying response coefficients we examined whether there are single reactions or parameters that greatly influence the dynamics of the thermal adaptation system. We used the mathematical formalism to describe firstly the non-scaled response coefficients. Definition K K I I Hsp90 Hsp90Complex Hsf1Hsp90 Hsf1 Hsf1P HSP90mRNA Comment Inactive protein kinase Active protein kinase Inactive inhibitor Active inhibitor Heat Shock Protein Hsp90 Hsp90 bound to other unfolded proteins Hsp90 coupled with Hsf1, mainly available before the stress Heat shock transcription factor Hsf1 Phosphorylated Hsf1 HSP90 mRNA 14 Uterine leiomyomas or fib

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Author: heme -oxygenase