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dless of the method. In contrast, fibronectin epitopes were preserved in tissue treated with SDS or PLA2 but were virtually absent in trypsin treated sections. Collectively, these data indicate that PLA2 treatment was the most effective of the decellularization methods tested and this procedure was used for all subsequent experiments. Characterization of matrix after decellularisation Immunostaining indicated collagens I and III were well preserved in the endomysium after PLA2 decellularisation of muscle sections, with an increase in the fluorescence intensity of staining following decellularisation, compared with controls. Strong 8 / 27 An Acellular Muscle Matrix Supports Myoblast Differentiation Fig 1. Differential preservation of collagen IV and fibronectin in sections treated with trypsin, SDS and PLA2. Quadriceps muscle sections treated with trypsin, SDS and PLA2, and MedChemExpress 139504-50-0 untreated controls, were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and stained with rabbit polyclonal antibodies against collagen IV and fibronectin followed by a goat anti-rabbit FITC conjugated secondary antibody. Nuclei are stained with DAPI. Arrows indicate nuclear material remaining after decellularisation in SDS treated samples. Scale bar–100 m. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127675.g001 staining similar to that of intact muscle was also observed for the basement membrane PubMed ID: components collagen VI and laminin 2 in the decellularised muscle sections. Following decellularization, the heparan sulphate epitope recognised by the antibody EV3C3 was detected and immunostaining of the proteoglycans perlecan and decorin indicated preservation of these molecules. Solubilized ECM extracted from PLA2 decellularised muscle was resolved by SDS-PAGE. Coomassie Blue staining revealed the ECM extract contained high molecular weight proteins and proteins of comparable size to collagen I. The lack of low molecular weight proteins indicated a loss of cytoplasmic proteins following decellularization. These extracts were analysed using Western blotting to determine if collagen I, collagen VI, laminin 2, perlecan and fibronectin were preserved. Two bands were evident on the collagen I blot, one at ~140 kDa, probably the 1 chain, and a possible trimer above 260 kDa. The collagen VI blot had a band above 260 kDa that was similar in intensity for extracts from untreated and decellularised muscle. Fibronectin was detected as a 200 kDa band, although with a lower signal in the decellularized extract compared to the untreated extract. A high molecular weight band bound the Laminin 2 antibody in lanes of both decellularised and untreated muscle extracts. Multiple bands were revealed in perlecan PubMed ID: blots of the untreated extract, but a single high molecular weight band was present in the decellularised extract. 9 / 27 An Acellular Muscle Matrix Supports Myoblast Differentiation Fig 2. ECM components are preserved in PLA2 decellularised muscle sections. Untreated and PLA2 decellularised sections were immunostained. The antibodies against collagen I, collagen III, collagen VI and perlecan were rabbit polyclonals and the second antibody was goat anti-rabbit FITC. Antibodies against laminin 2 and decorin were rat and sheep polyclonals respectively, and secondary antibodies were goat anti-rat and donkey anti-sheep FITC. The mAb, EV3C3, recognises a heparan sulfate epitope and contains a vesicular stomatitis virus Glycoprotein tag. A rabbbit anti-VSV antibody followed by goat-anti-rabbit FITC was used. Nuclei are stain

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Author: heme -oxygenase