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acillus weihenstephanensis Fig 3. PFGE fingerprints of melanin-positive B. weihenstephanensis isolates and reference strains. Genomic DNA was digested using NotI. M1, PFG Lambda Ladders; M2, PFG Yeast chromosomes. The values on the left and right are molecular weight marker in kb. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125428.g003 Comparative analysis of 16S rRNA confirmed close relation between melanin-positive isolates and B. weihenstephanensis DSMZ 11821. On the phylogenetic tree, isolates grouped together with DSMZ 11821, while other references gathered in the second cluster. Phylogeny based on multi-locus sequence typing also revealed two genetic clusters in the Neighbour-Joining dendrogram. Soil isolates grouped in cluster I with DSMZ 11821, whereas other references were classified into cluster II. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis confirmed the clonality of B. weihenstephanensis JAS 39/1, JAS 81/4 and JAS 86/1, while B. weihenstephanensis BPN 08/1 and BPN 08/4 were not typeable by PFGE. Pulsed-field fingerprints of isolates do not overlap with PFGE profiles of reference strains. Melanin-like pigment synthesized by soil B. weihenstephanensis isolates had phenolic character EPR spectra of natural pigment produced by environmental strains of B. weihenstephanensis from the farm were similar to the EPR signal of the synthetic melanin and all revealed broad curves around 335 mT. In addition, FT-IR spectroscopy of dark particles demonstrated similar spectra to synthetic one. A broad band centered around 32683278 cm-1 for each studied pigment was observed, which is associated with-OH stretching. Furthermore, all samples had absorbance peaks in the 15111729 cm-1 area, due to the bonding vibration of C = C and C = O aromatic ring stretching, and double bonds in COOH. In contrast to standard melanin, in vitro synthesized melanin had signals in 29262970 cm-1 area indicating the presence of saturated carbon, as well as around 1045 cm-1 and 1220 cm-1, what corresponds to carbonyl, alcoholic or phenolic groups, respectively. Detailed information on functional groups found in melanin-like pigment synthesized by environmental isolates and synthetic melanin is given in 7 / 15 Melanin Produced by Bacillus weihenstephanensis Fig 4. EPR and FT-IR spectra of commercial melanin and pigment obtained from B. weihenstephanensis isolates. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125428.g004 Chemical properties of melanin-like pigment produced by soil B. weihenstephanensis isolates and of synthetic melanin were also similar. Pigments were soluble in alkaline solution and phenol, but were insoluble in ethanol, acetone, chloroform, and benzene. Moreover, R-7128 custom synthesis pubmed ID: dissolved pigments and synthetic melanin precipitated in hydrochloric acid and ferric chloride, and were decolorized by hydrogen peroxide, as well as by sodium hydrosulfite. The only feature which differed ~~ AN is a severe mental disorder with a relevant biological predisposition whose etiology is complex and still largely unknown. The course of AN is often relapsing and in a substantial proportion of cases an enduring and treatment-resistant disorder occurs. However, over the past decades new insights into the neurobiology of this disorder emerged. In particular, several lines of research have shed light on the PubMed ID: imbalances of serotonin and dopamine systems 1 / 12 Atypical Antipsychotics in Anorexia Nervosa in AN with the former potentially being involved in altered satiety and mood and the latter in altered reward with respect to food a

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Author: heme -oxygenase