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was calculated based on Seliciclib price measurements and plotted as a function of time. , p-value < 0.001. Hematoxylin and eosin staining of the tumor specimens reveals invasion of the dermal layer, numerous mitoses , necrosis , and invasion into the striated muscle layer. Scale bar, 100 m. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125125.g003 HIF-1 promotes invasion of glioma cells in the mouse brain To extend this original observation, we focused on glioma progression and employed an orthotopic tumor model through intracranial injections. Unlike their U-2 OS counterpart, the U-87 MG and U-118 MG cells with prior HIF1 induction exhibited a similar growth rate in culture as their controls, suggesting variation of HIF1 effects after intermittent induction. Furthermore, HIF1-induced U-87 MG cells showed ~10-fold increase in the development of tumor spheres but no increase in anchorage-independent growth. Yet, a decrease in tumor sphere formation and anchorage-independent growth was observed in HIF1-induced U-118 MG cells. Original U-87 MG cells are tumorigenic after intracranial transplantation. Interestingly, during a ~5-week monitoring of tumor growth using bioluminescent imaging, we found that the increase in tumor volume from the -gal-induced cells was equivalent to, if not greater than, that from the HIF1-induced cells. By contrast, tumors derived from the HIF2 cells grew poorly and failed to expand during the experimental period. The lack of tumor growth from the HIF2 cells appears consistent with a previous report that HIF-2 acts as a tumor suppressor in glioma. Although prior intermittent induction of HIF1 had hardly any effect on U-87 MG cell proliferation in culture and in vivo, it is noticeable that the bioluminescent signals from the derived tumors permeated PubMed ID: broadly beyond the frontal lobes of the brain, indicative of spreading of tumor cells. Indeed, tumor lesions from the HIF1 cells were numerous foci throughout the brain; in addition to the cerebral cortex, invasions were identified PubMed ID: in the hypothalamus, midbrain, hindbrain, and even cerebellum. By contrast, tumor lesions derived from the -gal control tended to be singular, large, and localized to the cerebral cortex, even though very few developed more than single lesions with distal invasions 7 / 15 Lasting Effect of HIF-1 on Malignant Progression Fig 4. Intermittent induction of HIF1 promoted intracranial spread of U-87 MG cells. Bioluminescent imaging analysis of -gal and HIF1derived intracranial tumors and HIF2-derived intracranial tumors. The respective tumor volumes were calculated based on the relative luminescent units and plotted in a log scale. , p-value < 0.05. HIF1-derived tumors had small yet numerous lesions invading the Ammon's horn of the hippocampal region and hindbrain and cerebellum, as indicated by arrowheads. -gal- and HIF2-derived tumors were large and often singular in the cerebral cortex. Tumor lesions are demarcated in dash lines. Hematoxylin and eosin--stained images are presented at 25 and 200 magnifications, with scale bars of 1 mm and 100 m, respectively. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125125.g004 . Furthermore, only small, singular lesions were found in all HIF2-derived tumors. Histological examination at high magnification revealed aggressive invasion of round cells in the HIF1-derived tumors, whereas relatively low-density, spindle-shaped tumor cells were frequently observed interwoven with fibrous tissues in -gal and HIF2 tumors. However, all three cell types appeared indistin

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Author: heme -oxygenase