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Proven. The present study suggests that ZOL administered intrapleurally and CDDP injected systemically may produce a therapeutic benefit to mesothelioma patients. Our preliminary study showed that intrapleural administration of 40 mg ZOL at a concentration of 0.4 mg/ml in mice, which was equivalent to 7.8?.8 mg in human [27] and was 10 times higher drug concentration than the current clinical dose (4 mg in total and 0.04 mg/ml at the concentration), did not cause any body weight 58-49-1 site changes or other adverse reactions such as inflammatory reactions (data not shown), showing a feasible intrapleural injection of ZOL with safe. We also showed that Ad-p53 suppressed the viability of mesothelioma and produced combinatory anti-tumor effects with ZOL. Intrapleural injections of Ad-p53 were in fact conducted Ergocalciferol safely in patients with pleural effusions [28]. Previous studies demonstrated that Ad-p53 activated the p53 pathways and achieved combinatory anti-tumor effects with an anti-cancer agent including CDDP [21,29,30]. The mechanism of ZOLmediated p53 induction remains unclear but the p53-induciblep21 is a downstream target of Ras and RhoA, the major molecules of small G proteins [31]. Inhibited protein prenylation can cause downstream activation of p53, and ZOL thereby is a candidate to analyze a possible cross-talk between small G proteins and the p53 pathways. Previous studies also showed that combinatory cytotoxicity of ZOL and an anti-cancer agent was linked with ZOLmediated inhibition of P-glycoprotein functions [24] and that a combinatory use of doxorubicin and ZOL inhibited angiogenesis [26]. These studies indicated possible p53-independent cytotoxicity of ZOL that could synergize with other agents through multiple mechanisms. In conclusion, we demonstrated that ZOL produced cytotoxic 11967625 activities on mesothelioma and a combinatory use with CDDP or Ad-p53 produced better therapeutic effects than monotherapy with a single agent. ZOL-mediated p53 up-regulation was not involved in the ZOL-induced cytotoxicity in EHMES-10 cells, and in MSTO-211H cells at least at low concentrations at which synergistic effects were observed with CDDP, but contributed to combinatory anti-tumor effects of CDDP or Ad-p53. Based on the current study we presume that an intrapleural injection of ZOL, which is technically feasible, in combination with CDDP, the firstline agent for mesothelioma, is a potential therapeutics for mesothelioma.AcknowledgmentsWe appreciate Ms. Yoshie Chiba for helpful discussion.Zoledronate and Cisplatin for Mesothelioma via pAuthor ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: TF Y. Takiguchi KT HK MT. Performed the experiments: SO YJ KK MS Y. Tada. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: HS KH. Wrote the paper: SO MT.
The common commensal Fungus Candida albicans cause systemic or mucocutaneous infections in abnormal immunity environments [1]. Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a frequent mucosal infection caused by Candida species, which affects a number of women in child-bearing years. 75 of all women will experience at least one acute VVC infection during their lifetime, and 40 ?0 of them could be infected twice or more. Several known predisposing factors including antibiotic, oral contraceptive usage, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, and possible HIV infection increase the susceptibility of Candida albicans [2,3]. A small population of women (,5 ?0 ) has recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.Proven. The present study suggests that ZOL administered intrapleurally and CDDP injected systemically may produce a therapeutic benefit to mesothelioma patients. Our preliminary study showed that intrapleural administration of 40 mg ZOL at a concentration of 0.4 mg/ml in mice, which was equivalent to 7.8?.8 mg in human [27] and was 10 times higher drug concentration than the current clinical dose (4 mg in total and 0.04 mg/ml at the concentration), did not cause any body weight changes or other adverse reactions such as inflammatory reactions (data not shown), showing a feasible intrapleural injection of ZOL with safe. We also showed that Ad-p53 suppressed the viability of mesothelioma and produced combinatory anti-tumor effects with ZOL. Intrapleural injections of Ad-p53 were in fact conducted safely in patients with pleural effusions [28]. Previous studies demonstrated that Ad-p53 activated the p53 pathways and achieved combinatory anti-tumor effects with an anti-cancer agent including CDDP [21,29,30]. The mechanism of ZOLmediated p53 induction remains unclear but the p53-induciblep21 is a downstream target of Ras and RhoA, the major molecules of small G proteins [31]. Inhibited protein prenylation can cause downstream activation of p53, and ZOL thereby is a candidate to analyze a possible cross-talk between small G proteins and the p53 pathways. Previous studies also showed that combinatory cytotoxicity of ZOL and an anti-cancer agent was linked with ZOLmediated inhibition of P-glycoprotein functions [24] and that a combinatory use of doxorubicin and ZOL inhibited angiogenesis [26]. These studies indicated possible p53-independent cytotoxicity of ZOL that could synergize with other agents through multiple mechanisms. In conclusion, we demonstrated that ZOL produced cytotoxic 11967625 activities on mesothelioma and a combinatory use with CDDP or Ad-p53 produced better therapeutic effects than monotherapy with a single agent. ZOL-mediated p53 up-regulation was not involved in the ZOL-induced cytotoxicity in EHMES-10 cells, and in MSTO-211H cells at least at low concentrations at which synergistic effects were observed with CDDP, but contributed to combinatory anti-tumor effects of CDDP or Ad-p53. Based on the current study we presume that an intrapleural injection of ZOL, which is technically feasible, in combination with CDDP, the firstline agent for mesothelioma, is a potential therapeutics for mesothelioma.AcknowledgmentsWe appreciate Ms. Yoshie Chiba for helpful discussion.Zoledronate and Cisplatin for Mesothelioma via pAuthor ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: TF Y. Takiguchi KT HK MT. Performed the experiments: SO YJ KK MS Y. Tada. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: HS KH. Wrote the paper: SO MT.
The common commensal Fungus Candida albicans cause systemic or mucocutaneous infections in abnormal immunity environments [1]. Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a frequent mucosal infection caused by Candida species, which affects a number of women in child-bearing years. 75 of all women will experience at least one acute VVC infection during their lifetime, and 40 ?0 of them could be infected twice or more. Several known predisposing factors including antibiotic, oral contraceptive usage, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, and possible HIV infection increase the susceptibility of Candida albicans [2,3]. A small population of women (,5 ?0 ) has recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.

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Author: heme -oxygenase