Ly significant crops such as cereal grains. A grain crop plant with proven activity against metabolic syndrome is therefore an ideal target for SIS 3 site resveratrol production, considering that metabolic syndrome and related diseases could be controlled by dietary intake. The Oryza sativa japonica variety Dongjin (Dongjin rice), developed by the Rural Development Administration of Korea, yields a grain that is rich in fiber and in polyphenols that confer low levels of anti-metabolic syndrome activity [7]. It is thusreasonable to assume that a transgenic Dongjin rice strain that expresses resveratrol may prevent and treat metabolic syndrome and related diseases through a synergistic effect of its innate and transgenic properties. To test this hypothesis, we generated transgenic resveratrol-enriched rice and assessed its efficacy in controlling metabolic syndrome and related diseases in a mouse model.Results and Discussion Production of Transgenic RiceWe cloned the resveratrol biosynthesis gene, stilbene synthase (STS), from the peanut Arachis hypogaea variety Palkwang, a wellknown plant species that contains high quantities of resveratrol [8]. Sequence analysis of the cloned cDNA, designated AhSTS1 (GenBank accession no. DQ124938), showed a high similarity to previously identified STSs (Figure S1). In the peanut, STS appeared to be highly expressed in the early and middle stages of the developing pods after flowering but not in the leaves (Figure S2). To get Homatropine methobromide determine whether AhSTS1 encodes a functional STS enzyme, we cloned the 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligase (4CL) gene fromTransgenic Rice with Resveratrol-Enriched GrainsArabidopsis thaliana (At4CL2). The product of this gene converts pcoumaric acid into coumaroyl-CoA by coupling it with a coenzyme. We reasoned that the coexpression of AhSTS1 and At4CL2 might lead to resveratrol production using p-coumaric acid and malonylCoA [9,10]. AhSTS1 and At4CL2 were cotransformed into E. coli, and the production of the recombinant AhSTS1 and At4CL2 proteins was confirmed using western blot analysis with anti-His and anti-MBP antibodies, respectively (Figure S3). GC-MS analysis of the culture grown in medium supplemented with pcoumaric acid demonstrated that one fraction eluted by HPLC was identical to the resveratrol standard (Figure S4). This finding establishes AhSTS1 as an active STS enzyme. In contrast, cells transformed with control vectors did not produce resveratrol. Several transgenic cereal plants have been produced with the aim of accumulating an adequate quantity of resveratrol in the edible portion of cereal crops [11,12]. However, these transgenic cereal plants failed to accumulate resveratrol in the grain, likely because of unfavorable chimeric 17460038 constructs or because the foreign gene was inserted into a chromosomal locus that was unfavorable for expression. In this study, we constructed a chimeric fusion between the maize Ubiquitin1 (Ubi1) promoter, which produces high levels of activity in monocots [13] and AhSTS1 to express AhSTS1 in rice. Then, we conducted phenotypic expression analysis at each step before proceeding to the next step to confirm the proper expression of the transgene during the creation of our transgenic rice. We transferred the chimeric construct into embryonic calli induced from the mature embryo of Dongjin rice using the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method to generate transgenic calli. Somatic embryos formed from the transgenic calli were germinated on N6 medium containing.Ly significant crops such as cereal grains. A grain crop plant with proven activity against metabolic syndrome is therefore an ideal target for resveratrol production, considering that metabolic syndrome and related diseases could be controlled by dietary intake. The Oryza sativa japonica variety Dongjin (Dongjin rice), developed by the Rural Development Administration of Korea, yields a grain that is rich in fiber and in polyphenols that confer low levels of anti-metabolic syndrome activity [7]. It is thusreasonable to assume that a transgenic Dongjin rice strain that expresses resveratrol may prevent and treat metabolic syndrome and related diseases through a synergistic effect of its innate and transgenic properties. To test this hypothesis, we generated
transgenic resveratrol-enriched rice and assessed its efficacy in controlling metabolic syndrome and related diseases in a mouse model.Results and Discussion Production of Transgenic RiceWe cloned the resveratrol biosynthesis gene, stilbene synthase (STS), from the peanut Arachis hypogaea variety Palkwang, a wellknown plant species that contains high quantities of resveratrol [8]. Sequence analysis of the cloned cDNA, designated AhSTS1 (GenBank accession no. DQ124938), showed a high similarity to previously identified STSs (Figure S1). In the peanut, STS appeared to be highly expressed in the early and middle stages of the developing pods after flowering but not in the leaves (Figure S2). To determine whether AhSTS1 encodes a functional STS enzyme, we cloned the 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligase (4CL) gene fromTransgenic Rice with Resveratrol-Enriched GrainsArabidopsis thaliana (At4CL2). The product of this gene converts pcoumaric acid into coumaroyl-CoA by coupling it with a coenzyme. We reasoned that the coexpression of AhSTS1 and At4CL2 might lead to resveratrol production using p-coumaric acid and malonylCoA [9,10]. AhSTS1 and At4CL2 were cotransformed into E. coli, and the production of the recombinant AhSTS1 and At4CL2 proteins was confirmed using western blot analysis with anti-His and anti-MBP antibodies, respectively (Figure S3). GC-MS analysis of the culture grown in medium supplemented with pcoumaric acid demonstrated that one fraction eluted by HPLC was identical to the resveratrol standard (Figure S4). This finding establishes AhSTS1 as an active STS enzyme. In contrast, cells transformed with control vectors did not produce resveratrol. Several transgenic cereal plants have been produced with the aim of accumulating an adequate quantity of resveratrol in the edible portion of cereal crops [11,12]. However, these transgenic cereal plants failed to accumulate resveratrol in the grain, likely because of unfavorable chimeric 17460038 constructs or because the foreign gene was inserted into a chromosomal locus that was unfavorable for expression. In this study, we constructed a chimeric fusion between the maize Ubiquitin1 (Ubi1) promoter, which produces high levels of activity in monocots [13] and AhSTS1 to express AhSTS1 in rice. Then, we conducted phenotypic expression analysis at each step before proceeding to the next step to confirm the proper expression of the transgene during the creation of our transgenic rice. We transferred the chimeric construct into embryonic calli induced from the mature embryo of Dongjin rice using the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method to generate transgenic calli. Somatic embryos formed from the transgenic calli were germinated on N6 medium containing.
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