We recruited 470 male patients (mean age 1516647 of 54.0611.3 years) at Chung Shan Medical University Hospital inVEGF-C Gene Polymorphisms in Oral Cancerthe association of genotype frequencies with risk and CI-1011 chemical information clinicopathological characteristics were estimated using multiple logistic regression models after controlling for other covariates. We analyzed all data with Statistical Analytic System (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) software (vers. 9.1, 2005) for Windows.I-BRD9 site ResultsThe statistical analysis of demographic characteristics is shown in Table 1. There were significant differences in the distributions of betel-quid chewing (p,0.001), alcohol consumption (p,0.001), and tobacco use (p,0.001) between control subjects and male OSCC patients. To diminish the possible interference of environmental factors, AORs with 95 CIs were estimated by multiple logistic regression models after controlling for other covariates in each comparison. In our recruited control group, the frequencies of VEGF-C rs3775194 (p = 0.844, x2 value: 0.039), rs11947611 (p = 0.148, x2 value: 2.090), rs1485766 (p = 0.566, x2 value: 0.329), rs7664413 (p = 0.115, x2 value: 2.478), and rs2046463 (p = 0.115, x2 value: 2.478) were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, respectively. The reconstructed linkage disequilibrium (LD) plot of the five SNPs is shown in Figure 1. We determined one observed haploblock in which rs7664413 and rs2046463 showed 100 linkage disequilibrium in our study. Genotype distributions and associations between oral cancer and VEGF-C gene polymorphisms are shown in Table 2. Alleles with the highest distribution frequency for rs3775194, rs11947611, rs1485766, rs7664413, and rs2046463 genes of VEGF-C in both of our recruited male oral-cancer patients and healthy control respectively were homozygous for G/G, heterozygous for A/G, heterozygous for C/A, homozygous for C/ C, and homozygous for A/A. After adjusting for several variables, there was no significant difference in having oral cancer in individuals with rs3775194, rs11947611, and rs1485766 polymorphisms of the VEGF-C gene compared to wild-type (WT) individuals. However, subjects with the VEGF-C polymorphic rs7664413 TT genotypes exhibited significantly (p,0.05) higher risks of 2.541- (95 CI = 1.071,6.027), of having OSCC compared to their corresponding WT homozygotes. Moreover, a similar result was also observed in subjects with the VEGF-C polymorphic rs2046463 (Table 2). Interaction effects between environmental risk factors and genetic polymorphisms of VEGF-C are shown in Tables 3 and 4. Among 611 smokers, subjects with at least one C allele of rs3775194, one G allele of rs11947611, one A allele of rs1485766,Figure 1. The pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C gene. The one observed haploblock, and the pairwise LD measure D’. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060283.gor one T allele of rs7664413, and the betel-nut-chewing habit had respective risks of 14.501-fold (95 CI: 6.899,30.479), 19.030(95 CI: 9.239,39.197), 15.676- (95 CI: 7.413,33.150), and 24.220- (95 CI: 11.601,50.566) of having oral cancer. Individuals with either at least one C allele of rs3775194, one G allele
of rs11947611, one A allele of rs1485766 or one T allele of rs7664413 or who chewed betel nut had respective risks of 11.688(95 CI: 6.534,20.907), 2.827- (95 CI: 1.491,5.360), 2.670(95 CI: 1.302,5.473), and 7.241-fold (95 CI: 3.981,13.172) of having oral cancer compared to individuals with WT.We recruited 470 male patients (mean age 1516647 of 54.0611.3 years) at Chung Shan Medical University Hospital inVEGF-C Gene Polymorphisms in Oral Cancerthe association of genotype frequencies with risk and clinicopathological characteristics were estimated using multiple logistic regression models after controlling for other covariates. We analyzed all data with Statistical Analytic System (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) software (vers. 9.1, 2005) for Windows.ResultsThe statistical analysis of demographic characteristics is shown in Table 1. There were significant differences in the distributions of betel-quid chewing (p,0.001), alcohol consumption (p,0.001), and tobacco use (p,0.001) between control subjects and male OSCC patients. To diminish the possible interference of environmental factors, AORs with 95 CIs were estimated by multiple logistic regression models after controlling for other covariates in each comparison. In our recruited control group, the frequencies of VEGF-C rs3775194 (p = 0.844, x2 value: 0.039), rs11947611 (p = 0.148, x2 value: 2.090), rs1485766 (p = 0.566, x2 value: 0.329), rs7664413 (p = 0.115, x2 value: 2.478), and rs2046463 (p = 0.115, x2 value: 2.478) were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, respectively. The reconstructed linkage disequilibrium (LD) plot of the five SNPs is shown in Figure 1. We determined one observed haploblock in which rs7664413 and rs2046463 showed 100 linkage disequilibrium in our study. Genotype distributions and associations between oral cancer and VEGF-C gene polymorphisms are shown in Table 2. Alleles with the highest distribution frequency for rs3775194, rs11947611, rs1485766, rs7664413, and rs2046463 genes of VEGF-C in both of our recruited male oral-cancer patients and healthy control respectively were homozygous for G/G, heterozygous for A/G, heterozygous for C/A, homozygous for C/ C, and homozygous for A/A. After adjusting for several variables, there was no significant difference in having oral cancer in individuals with rs3775194, rs11947611, and rs1485766 polymorphisms of the VEGF-C gene compared to wild-type (WT) individuals. However, subjects with the VEGF-C polymorphic rs7664413 TT genotypes exhibited significantly (p,0.05) higher risks of 2.541- (95 CI = 1.071,6.027), of having OSCC compared to their corresponding WT homozygotes. Moreover, a similar result was also observed in subjects with the VEGF-C polymorphic rs2046463 (Table 2). Interaction effects between environmental risk factors and genetic polymorphisms of VEGF-C are shown in Tables 3 and 4. Among 611 smokers, subjects with at least one C allele of rs3775194, one G allele of rs11947611, one A allele of rs1485766,Figure 1. The pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C gene. The one observed haploblock, and the pairwise LD measure D’. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060283.gor one T allele of rs7664413, and the betel-nut-chewing habit had respective risks of 14.501-fold (95 CI: 6.899,30.479), 19.030(95 CI: 9.239,39.197), 15.676- (95 CI: 7.413,33.150), and 24.220- (95 CI: 11.601,50.566) of having oral cancer. Individuals with either at least one C allele of rs3775194, one G allele of rs11947611, one A allele of rs1485766 or one T allele of rs7664413 or who chewed betel nut had respective risks of 11.688(95 CI: 6.534,20.907), 2.827- (95 CI: 1.491,5.360), 2.670(95 CI: 1.302,5.473), and 7.241-fold (95 CI: 3.981,13.172) of having oral cancer compared to individuals with WT.
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