While Zn2+ with digitonin causes a decrease in the ratio; F) NES-ZapCmR1.1 and G) NES-ZapCmR2 exhibit a small decrease with TPEN and a Indolactam V custom synthesis larger increase in FRET ratio after addition of Zn2+ and digitonin. Representative traces are mean 6 s.e.m. (n = 4 cells). Each experiment was repeated a minimum of three times. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049371.g[28]. Therefore, we thought it would be valuable to generate both nuclear- localized and cytosplasmic Zn2+ sensors of the non-CFP/ YFP variety. Figure 1a shows a schematic of the sensor construct illustrating the localization signals. Figure 1b shows a representative FRET sensor localized to either the nucleus or the cytosol. All sensors exhibited a similar localization pattern.Characterization of Sensors in HeLa CellsThere are many examples of genetically encoded biosensors exhibiting diminished responses in cells compared to in vitro [15,16] therefore we set out to screen all sensors in mammalian cells to verify functionality. All seven sensors described in Table 1 were transiently transfected into HeLa cells, expressed in either the nucleus or cytosol, and subjected to an in situ calibration to determine Rresting, RTPEN, and RZn. Figure 2 shows that all nuclear-localized sensors Cucurbitacin I chemical information responded to manipulation of cellular Zn2+, with the majority of sensors exhibiting an increase in the FRET ratio for RZn and a decrease for RTPEN. ZapCmR1 was the only sensor that displayed an inverted response (RTPEN.RZn). It is not uncommon for sensors to exhibit inverted FRET responses when the relative orientation of the FPs is altered [17], particularly when the linkers are different as they are in the Clover-mRuby2 construct. Incorporation of mutations in the ZBD reverted the response to that of the other sensors, and decreased the affinity for Zn2+ as observed by comparison of RTPEN and RZn with other sensors. Figure 3 shows that all sensors localized to the cytosol responded to manipulation of cellular Zn2+.Table 2 presents the dynamic range for each sensor, which varies from 1.1 to 1.2-fold for most of sensors with the exception of ZapCmR1.1 and ZapCmR2 which exhibit a 1.4?.5 fold change. Two additional important parameters are the resting FRET ratio and the Rmax ?Rmin which help to define the signal-to-noise. For example if the dynamic range is 1.1 and the resting ratio is 0.5, this means the FRET ratio only changes from 0.5 to 0.55, i.e. Rmax ?Rmin is 0.05; whereas if the resting ratio is 1.0, the same dynamic range would yield a FRET ratio change from 1 to 1.1 and hence an Rmax ?Rmin of 0.1 and overall greater sensitivity. The percent saturation is a measure of how much Zn2+ is bound to a sensor under resting conditions and provides a relative measure of Zn2+ levels in different locations. Table 2 shows the resting percent
saturation of each sensor in the nucleus and cytosol. Interestingly six sensors reveal a higher saturation percentage in the nucleus than in the cytosol, suggesting that perhaps nuclear Zn2+ is buffered at a higher concentration than the cytosol.Zinc Uptake into the Cytosol and NucleusExtracellular Zn2+ levels are typically in the 1?0 mM range [29,30,31], but a number of cells contain high levels of Zn2+ in vesicles and secrete Zn2+ in response to stimulation [32,33,34,35]. Therefore, there are physiological situations in which extracellular Zn2+ is transiently elevated. We have demonstrated that elevation of extracellular Zn2+ results in uptake of Zn2+ into the cytosol [15], but it is.While Zn2+ with digitonin causes a decrease in the ratio; F) NES-ZapCmR1.1 and G) NES-ZapCmR2 exhibit a small decrease with TPEN and a larger increase in FRET ratio after addition of Zn2+ and digitonin. Representative traces are mean 6 s.e.m. (n = 4 cells). Each experiment was repeated a minimum of three times. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049371.g[28]. Therefore, we thought it would be valuable to generate both nuclear- localized and cytosplasmic Zn2+ sensors of the non-CFP/ YFP variety. Figure 1a shows a schematic of the sensor construct illustrating the localization signals. Figure 1b shows a representative FRET sensor localized to either the nucleus or the cytosol. All sensors exhibited a similar localization pattern.Characterization of Sensors in HeLa CellsThere are many examples of genetically encoded biosensors exhibiting diminished responses in cells compared to in vitro [15,16] therefore we set out to screen all sensors in mammalian cells to verify functionality. All seven sensors described in Table 1 were transiently transfected into HeLa cells, expressed in either the nucleus or cytosol, and subjected to an in situ calibration to determine Rresting, RTPEN, and RZn. Figure 2 shows that all nuclear-localized sensors responded to manipulation of cellular Zn2+, with the majority of sensors exhibiting an increase in the FRET ratio for RZn and a decrease for RTPEN. ZapCmR1 was the only sensor that displayed an inverted response (RTPEN.RZn). It is not uncommon for sensors to exhibit inverted FRET responses when the relative orientation of the FPs is altered [17], particularly when the linkers are different as they are in the Clover-mRuby2 construct. Incorporation of mutations in the ZBD reverted the response to that of the other sensors, and decreased the affinity for Zn2+ as observed by comparison of RTPEN and RZn with other sensors. Figure 3 shows that all sensors localized to the cytosol responded to manipulation of cellular Zn2+.Table 2 presents the dynamic range for each sensor, which varies from 1.1 to 1.2-fold for most of sensors with the exception of ZapCmR1.1 and ZapCmR2 which exhibit a 1.4?.5 fold change. Two additional important parameters are the resting FRET ratio and the Rmax ?Rmin which help to define the signal-to-noise. For example if the dynamic range is 1.1 and the resting ratio is 0.5, this means the FRET ratio only changes from 0.5 to 0.55, i.e. Rmax ?Rmin is 0.05; whereas if the resting ratio is 1.0, the same dynamic range would yield a FRET ratio change from 1 to 1.1 and hence an Rmax ?Rmin of 0.1 and overall greater sensitivity. The percent saturation is a measure of how much Zn2+ is bound to a sensor under resting conditions and provides a relative measure of Zn2+ levels in different locations. Table 2 shows the resting percent saturation of each sensor in the nucleus and cytosol. Interestingly six sensors reveal a higher saturation percentage in the nucleus than in the cytosol, suggesting that perhaps nuclear Zn2+ is buffered at a higher concentration than the cytosol.Zinc Uptake into the Cytosol and NucleusExtracellular Zn2+ levels are typically in the 1?0 mM range [29,30,31], but a number of cells contain high levels of Zn2+ in vesicles and secrete Zn2+ in response to stimulation [32,33,34,35]. Therefore, there are physiological situations in which extracellular Zn2+ is transiently elevated. We have demonstrated that elevation of extracellular Zn2+ results in uptake of Zn2+ into the cytosol [15], but it is.
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